Materials Colloquium 2022, October 5th

In-person in HCI G3: Soft magnetic carpets for transport of solids, liquids and droplets Ahmet F. Demirörs (Complex Materials — D-MATL) One of the major interests of modern robotics is micromanipulation by active and adaptive materials. An example to such…

Materials Colloquium 2022, May 4th

In-person in HCI J 4 or on Zoom: Birth of solids studied by liquid-phase electron microscopy Rolf Erni (Electron Microscopy Center — EMPA) There are thermodynamic reasons why solids are solid and why they can be crystalline. How this…

Materials Colloquium 2022, April 6th

In-person in HCI J 4 or on Zoom: Accelerating the search for functional materials using machine learning methods Aria Mansouri (Materials Theory — D-MATL) I will show several examples of the application of machine learning in materials design. First,…

Materials Colloquium 2022, March 2nd

In-person in HCI J 4 or on Zoom: Sodium ion batteries: Opportunities and challenges Eldho Edison (Multifunctional Materials — D-MATL) Among the existing energy storage technologies, lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) have unmatched energy density and versatility. From the time of…

Materials Colloquium 2021, December 1st

Zoom: Low-Dimensional Optoelectronics Lukas Novotny (Photonics Laboratory – D-ITET) To co-integrate photonics with electronics the length-scale of optical devices has to be reduced below the wavelength of light. To achieve this goal we interface optical antennas made of noble…

Materials Colloquium 2021, November 3rd

Zoom: Magnetoelectric teleportation Manfred Fiebig (Multifunctional Ferroic Materials – D-MATL) Teleportation, the transfer of matter or energy between points in space without traversing the physical distance between them, is a common subject in science fiction. Aside from the fascination…

Materials Colloquium 2021, October 6th

Zoom: Tuning polymer dispersity by photoinduced ATRP: monomodal distributions with ppm copper concentration Richard Whitfield (Polymeric Materials – D-MATL) Unlike natural biopolymers, such as DNA and proteins, synthetic polymers have a distribution of different molecular weight species. This distribution…

Materials Colloquium 2021, September 15th

Zoom: From binary lipid-water phase diagrams to lipid nanoparticle-based mRNA COVID-19 vaccines Peter Walde (Laboratory for Multifunctional Materials – D-MATL) The aim of the talk is to emphasize that basic research on the aggregation behavior of amphiphilic lipids in…

Materials Colloquium 2021, September 1st

Zoom: Fuel cells, batteries, electrolyzers, etc.: some insights from a materials science point of view Lorenz Gubler (Electrochemistry Laboratory – PSI) Electrochemical storage & conversion technologies are expected to play a pivotal role in the energy transition and defossilization…