D-MATL Counselling Helpdesk

Established in 2020, the D-MATL Counselling Helpdesk is a place to ask questions and to share your concerns in a strictly confidential environment. We give answers to department- or employment-related questions if possible and forward you to the appropriate place when necessary.

Contact any of our SAM volunteers below to set up a meeting or ask your question directly in your email:

Jan Gerrit Horstmann
Jan Gerrit Horstmann (Postdoc)

image of Maria Nefeli
Maria Nefeli Antonopoulou (PhD student)

Our Department has several persons to contact confidentially as well, their contact details and further information can be found here: https://mat.ethz.ch/department/respect-code-of-conduct-contacts-at-d-matl.html

Additionally, in case you want to talk to someone outside of the department, AVETH has their own counselling service which you can find here: https://www.aveth.ethz.ch/counselling/counselling-info/