Collaboration day 2016


On Tuesday July 26th the second D-MATL collaboration day will take place. This event aims at improving the collaboration between the research groups of the department and reducing time “wasted" on figuring out where one can find appropriate know-how or do a specific measurement.

Representatives of 7 groups of D-MATL will present their instruments, techniques and know-how in a 30 minute presentation (see attached program). Additionally, the new XRD platform, as well as ScopeM, the microscopy facility of ETH, will be presented.

Breakfast, lunch and apéro are sponsored for all attendants. If you want to attend, please sign up here:
The deadline for registration is June, 26th. The exact location will be announced as soon as registration is closed, when we know how many people will attend the event.

We are looking forward to seeing many of you there!
Your SAM-Team,
Vivian, Martina, Yvonne, Moh, Kilian, Stefano and Chris